The Importance of the Miraj Night Religion

mescidi aksa

The word Miraj is a name of Arabic origin. The meaning of Miraj is:

1. The place to climb, to rise.

2. Ascending to heaven, ascending to the sky.

Miraj, It is the meeting of our prophet Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) with Allah by going up to the sky. Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) appeared to Miraj appeared on the 27th night of the Recep month. Tonight he went to the Masjid Aqsa from Mecca and from there he was ascended to the sky by Allah. This incident is described in Surah Isra. Isra means “to carry out at night“.

It is narrated that the bed of our Prophet did not even cool down for the duration of the Ascension incident.

When is the Miraj Night in 2021 years?

When does the Miraj night coincide this year? The 27th night of the month of Recep, the first of the three months, is known as the Miraj Night. This year’s Gregorian Night is the night that connects Wednesday to Thursday, 10 – 11 March 2021.

Masjid Aqsa

How should we spend the Miraj Night beneficial?

What should the believers do this holy night? How should they make use of the night? First of all, it is necessary to look at what this night has brought to Muslims and the events that need to be learned.

Miraj gave us the pillar of the religion.

We must understand the importance of prayer and worship. Prayer is the pillar of the religion, the heir of the believer and the key to heaven. Prayer was obligatory for Muslims during the Prophet’s direct meeting with Allah during ascension. Muslims should embrace the pillar of the religion on the night of ascension. God willing, I hope that performing and futile prayers tonight will increase the sensation of the night.

Why Hz. Abu Bakr (ra) was called Siddiq.

When the Prophet (pbuh) informed him that he was ascending to Ascension, the polytheists were happy, so to speak. They said: “Muhammad was thoroughly insane. He says that he went to the Masjid Aqsa overnight and then went up into the sky from there. He also returned to bed before morning. Who will believe that?” When they heard this, they believed that Islam would weaken, weaken and our prophet would no longer be able to gather supporters. They are kidding. Their laughter was rising to the back.

Hz. Abu Bakr had not heard about the ascension yet from our Prophet, and the polytheists brought this news to him. Tell me, Abu Bakr, what do you say to what your best friend, the friend you followed, said? The polytheists who told the incident expected that Abu Bakr would be humiliated, his face would turn into a state, and he would not know what to say because of stammering. They even planned to cause strife between them by making them deny.

There was no hesitation in Hz. Abu Bakr’s face or heart. There was only one sentence he said: “If He says He is true.” True faith, submission and devotion require this and Hz. Abu Bakr (ra) showed its best example in the winter of 620. Thus, the night of ascension must be spent with such faith and surrender.

The Importance of the Miraj Night
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