How are the Transfers Made According to SAC Legislation? Gifted Child

bilsem yonerge nakil

2021 – 2022 academic year The Minister announced that they aim to increase the number of SAC to 350 in 2022. Efforts to expand Science and Art Centers(SAC) yielded results and the target of 350 knowledge throughout Turkey was exceeded.

SACs, which opened this year, have started to receive the new comming student registrations in their regions. At the same time, students who continue to Science and Art Centers have the opportunity to transfer to SACs opened closer. Gifted students who did not have SAC in their own district usually went to SACs located in city centers. Of course, this is a grueling job. Parents and students who make extra efforts will now have easier access to SAC, which is opened in their own district or in the nearby district.

So, how will they register to the newly opened SAC?

How will students who are currently attending Science and Art Centers register to SACs opened closer to them? All SACs throughout Turkey have service areas. Students who have been diagnosed with SAC special talents within these limits can apply for registration to the relevant SAC.

SAC carries out the registration process of students who meet the following conditions:

  1. If the student’s formal education institution (primary school, secondary school or high school) is within the service area of SAC;
  2. If the residence address of the student is in the service area of SAC

student registration can be taken to the relevant SAC.

12/2 of the current SAC Directive published in December 2019. Transfers are made according to the article.

The transfer of the student registered to SAC is made to SAC in the SAC registration region according to the residence address of the parent or the school the student attends. The transfer request is made through the SAC module with the written application of the parent.

Click for SAC Current Directive.

How are the Transfers Made According to SAC Legislation?
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