Intelligence Score Calculation

How is Intelligence Score Calculated? Click to find out

To calculate the Intelligence Score, simply press the “Calculate” formula to fill in. Explanations about the form are included.

Review History Section

You can enter detailed day.month.year from the intelligence section. If the review date is today, you can fill it automatically from the window by using the “Today” signs.

Date of Birth Department

Examined. will be within the day after birth. It will automatically calculate the age of the individual and take the relevant actions. It completes those that exceed 15 days during the age calculation.

Intelligence Age (Month) Section

This section will be written as the age of the child to be examined in months.

Calculate Button

After filling the information, press this key to get out of the room. System tutorials calculate intelligence score and intelligence divisions.

IQ Value and Intelligence Quotient

After pressing calculate and confirm, it shows IQ value (Intelligence Score) and Intelligence product. IQ returns as a numeric value. The Intelligence section, on the other hand, shows the expression that corresponds to the Intelligence in the class in the class. (Example: Brilliant Intelligence)

NOTE: This calculation method is for experts and is intended for use after a review.

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